Employee Anniversaries
2023 Anniversary OMO T-Shirt
On My Own appreciates and values our employees' dedication and continued high level of quality care for our clients.
In 2023, when an employee has worked for one year or more they will receive an On My Own T-Shirt.

2022 Anniversary OMO Notebook
On My Own appreciates and values our employees' dedication and continued high level of quality care for our clients.
In 2022, when an employee has worked for one year or more they will receive an On My Own notebook.

2021 Anniversary OMO Hat
On My Own appreciates and values our employees' dedication and continued high level of quality care for our clients.
In 2021, when an employee has worked for one year or more they will receive an On My Own baseball hat.

2020 Anniversary 4Ocean Bracelet
In 2020, when an employee had worked at On My Own for one year or more, they received a 4Ocean bracelet on their anniversary month. With the purchase of each bracelet, On My Own partnered with 4Ocean to remove 1 pound of trash from the ocean that served to protect our environment.
4Ocean Website