Roommate Matching Program
Click HERE to watch an informational video about OOMM Roommate Matching Services
What is OOMM?
OOMM is a web-based and app-based tool for people with disabilities within the Regional Center System in California, to find a roommate match. The process is simple, users build a safe and secure profile, select their preferences, and are matched with potential roommate. Users can view profiles, can accept or reject roommate matches, or begin chatting with potential roommates.
How do you get started with building
your profile?
If you are Client: If you are a person looking for a roommate and are from the California Regional Center system, contact oomm@onmyown-web.com. A representative will contact you to collect more information. Once we’ve confirmed your information, you will be sent a special link to begin building your profile.
If you are a Service Coordinator: For Service Coordinators wanting to refer clients, please click HERE on our referral page and select roommate matching program (OOMM).
If you are an agency: If you are wishing to build an agency account, please contact oomm@onmyown-web.com.

Click HERE to view an info flyer about OOMM Roommate Matching Services