Coordinated Family Support Services (CFS)
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Coordinated Family Support Services (CFS) is a new service specifically designed for adults with developmental disabilities who choose to live with their family. CFS was created in response to input from families about the lack of available services for adult consumers who choose to live in the family home. CFS service will be tailored, individualized, and flexible to meet the changing needs and preferences of the individual being served along with their family/caregiver.
Coordinated Family Support Services are designed for:
Consumers who are 18 years or older
Consumers who live in their family home
Consumers who are served by a reigonal center
What do CFS services look like?
Coordinating Consistency
Arranging consistent training across providers specific to the consumer's needs.
Future Planning
Providing future planning for consumer, including those living with aging caregivers.
Scheduling Assistance
Aiding with scheduling of service deliveries, such as medical appointments.
Providing Information
Providing additional information or resources on the consumer's diagnosis and identified supports.
Determining Additional Support
Identifying back up providers or supports and providing consumers with them as needed.
Providing assistance and training for the consumer and their family in navigating comprehensive services that are tailored to meet their unique needs and maximize their independence.